A Message from our General Manager
Hi, I’m Josh Helmuth, General Manager at Helmuth Builders. I would like to personally thank everyone who came out on New Year’s Day to our second annual Shed Auction & Give-Away. We had a good time and we hope you did to. We would also like to thank Anita’s Decadent Delights of Bridgewater for supplying us with the delicious donuts for the auction. The average auction item sold for 30% less than the normal retail price. This auction has proven to be a great opportunity for so many and we hope that you will join us again next year on New Year’s Day 2020.
At Helmuth Builders, we are preparing for another great year of serving the Shenandoah Valley. We have a lot of events, give a-ways, and discounts coming up in 2019. You’re probably asking yourself, “What kind of events, give a-ways, and discounts is Helmuth Builders talking about?” This year we plan to test our products in brand new ways, with our goal being to continue to give our customers assurance that they are getting the best products on the market. We will also be giving away several items such as: LuxCraft outdoor poly furniture, Helmuth Builders apparel, and a couple sheds. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to make sure you don’t miss these special events.
We are also planning our 3rd Ugly Shed Contest for later this year. If you’re not familiar with this contest, competitors enter pictures and a story of their ugly shed in the hopes of winning a shed make-over or 50% off a brand-new structure!
To broaden our focus of service, Helmuth Builders will be giving away a bike-a-day in the month of May! To many of us bikes are simply a luxury item. However, there are those who depend on their bikes as we do cars, and we want to help where we can. More details on this exciting project will be announced soon.
On top of hosting our auction this year, we plan to have an open house during the summer. 2019 is a big year for Helmuth Builders as will celebrate 30 Years of Serving the Valley! The celebration event will be a day of food and festivities where you will have the opportunity to eat some great food, take part in various competitions, and win some valuable prizes.
We have learned a lot in our 30 years of serving our community and we hope to apply what we have learned towards making the next 30 years even better. Thank you, Shenandoah Valley, for teaching us how to build better products and serve people better, your feedback is what we rely on.
Josh Helmuth
General Manager