She Shed – your home away from home

Feb 07, 2017

This particular Structure is a 12x14x8 Classic Cottage with a 4′ porch. It is not fitted with an electric box, instead the cable is connected directly to a nearby breaker box separate from the She Shed. The Osmers were wanting an interior completely finished with insulation, flooring, paneled walls, and a painted plywood ceiling. Shed Shed’s, Man Caves, and Tiny Homes are all the rage these days. Anything is possible when it comes to the uses of a storage shed. We want to make your dreams and visions of a backyard getaway a reality. If you are thinking, “how can I get one of these myself,” just give us a call at 540-833-2276. Storage Sheds have so many uses, from general storage to animal shelters to livable spaces.



“Yes hello, I’m Adelheid Osmers and am the Inn keeper here at the South Court Inn and I am very excited to have my new She Shed. We hired Helmuth Builders to help us expand our private spaces In the Inn really most of the spaces are for the guests but we wanted to expand a little bit to have more living space for ourselves. And so we have this little garden cottage here it’s ideal it has a little porch that I’m sitting on right now and then a living area behind me. The most exciting addition to the compound, if you will, is this little cottage here, or garden shed, I’m not sure some people call it, oh Adelheid it’s your She Shed and man cave all at the same time uh for my husband and it’s just very nice quality and we love it a lot. We are excited that we got this space here for ourselves, it’s a nice little refuge and very close to the carriage house where my husband is building a two seater airplane some of our guests discover that uh that he is doing that. We would welcome you as guests at our bed and breakfast we have four rooms in the house and then we have a separate building, a cottage, guest cottage, that can house up to four people. So, at the max we could have twelve guests here at the Inn. If you ever have any needs for a backyard building go to Helmuth Builders in Harrisonburg.”

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