Ugly Shed Contest
Do you have an old storage building that could use some cosmetic TLC? We at Helmuth Builders take pride in the beauty we bring to our customers’ yards, and in an effort to continue that tradition, we are presenting the Helmuth Builders Ugly Shed Contest. The winner of the contest will receive a free shed makeover from our talented team of designers and builders!
– CONTEST ENDS OCTOBER 1, 2017 AT 12:00 AM –
Step 1: Submit a photo of your “Ugly Shed”, along with its story and your contact information (name, email and phone number) to
Example : My name is Mike and this my good ole faithful shed. I purchased this shed from a friend 10 years ago who got it from a dealer brand new 30 years ago. To my knowledge no work has ever been done to it. Nevertheless, it has kept our items dry, we have had to patch a few holes, ok a lot of holes, but this guys has never let us down, yet.
Step 2: Find and “Like” our Facebook page – click here.
Step 3: Once you’re submission is posted to our page, you will be notified via email with a direct link to your submission.
Step 4: “Share” your entry on Facebook – the more “Likes” you get, the better chance you’ll have to win!
The submission with the most “Likes” at the end of the contest will win the shed makeover. The winner will be announced at the conclusion of the contest via Facebook and will be contacted by a member of our team. The contest ends October 1st at 12:00a.m.!
What does the winner get? A new roof metal or shingles, new trim limited to our capabilities, and new paint on
the entire building.
We will come to your site for free if it is within 30 miles from our Harrisonburg location. If not you will be charged
$3/mile. This contest has an 100 mile radius limit from our Harrisonburg location.
What does the winner not get? The winner will not receive free: vinyl siding, doors or windows, wood siding, new
runners, new sheathing, new flooring, new studs, trusses or pad work and or blocking unless requested. If
requested, Helmuth Builders will provide a quote for whatever improvements have been requested. The Winner
of the contest will then have the option to accept and pay or decline the proposal.
We realize that your shed may be so old and in need of repair, that it may be easier to just replace the WHOLE THING. If so, the Winner will also have the option to substitute the shed makeover, for 50% off of any brand new storage building.
Time Frame: We will commit to completing the work before the end of December giving us a window of 3 months.
If you have any questions regarding the contest, please contact Phil or Mike at (540) 833-2276.